Members of the Happy Dragon Boat (小梅時光龍舟隊) practice ahead of this year's Dragon Boat Festival. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)

【看CP學英文】不知不覺,時序入夏,人們也迫不及待全家動員準備慶祝一年一度的端午節。為了慶祝這美好的假期,The China Post特別訪問到在台深耕15年娶妻生子的美國人哈都,來自聖地亞哥的他熱情地分享身為老外的他如何度過這個特別的節日。

As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, many have already begun preparing for the annual holiday. To get to know how foreigners celebrate the festival, The China Post met with Jon Hodowany, who is originally from San Diego but moved to Taipei with his wife and children in 2005.


For Hodowany, the most enjoyable parts of the Dragon Boat Festival include the “outdoor activities, festivals and street food” in spite of the humid weather. 

在台深耕15年娶妻生子的美國人哈都|The China Post interviewed Jon Hodowany, who is originally from San Diego but moved to Taipei with his wife and children 15 years ago, in 2005.(Courtesy of Jon Hodowany)


When asked about what he and his family do on the day of the Festival, Hodowany said:


“Traditionally, my wife and two children have always traveled by MRT to Xindian to watch the Dragon Boat races at Bitan along the river. We make a whole day of it. In the morning, we cheer on the races from the Bitan Suspension Bridge and enjoy the atmosphere and sunny weather. By lunchtime, we are both hot and hungry, so we then head to the covered food stalls on the MRT side of the river, and find a nice table to continue watching the Dragon Boat races while dining. Our family has great memories of the many Dragon Boat Festivals in Taipei.”


Hodowany has thought about joining a Dragon Boat racing team before, but due the long hours of training and how the racers all looked “so hot and tired” on the actual day, he decided it would be best to cheer from the side. 

A member of the Happy Dragon Boat (小梅時光龍舟隊) smiles during practice ahead of this year’s Dragon Boat Festival. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


“I do not see myself participating in the future, but you never know.”


Regarding the cultural barriers, Hodowany said that he rarely faced any problems in Taiwan as a whole, due to how “everyone is so incredibly friendly.”


“Yes, there is a language barrier at first, but I have invested the time to learn Mandarin Chinese.”


Members and friends of the Happy Dragon Boat (小梅時光龍舟隊) prepare ahead of this year’s Dragon Boat Festival. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


“All it takes is a smile, a few words in Chinese, and an appreciation for the awesome food of Taiwan, and everyone is in a happy place. There are so many people, Taiwan citizens and foreigners alike, who are participating in the Dragon Boat races and all the food festivities. It is one big happy holiday.”


Regarding “zongzi” (sticky rice dumplings), Hodowany stated that his mother-in-law generously taught him before, but his results “weren’t pretty” and were “shaped like a baseball.”


“I am definitely better suited to eating zongzi rather than making them,” he said.

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