
Thursday, October 31, 2019

PT WSBP Catat Laba Turun Jadi Rp511,7 Miliar

INILAHCOM, Jakarta - PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) mencatat penurunan laba bersih menjadi Rp511,73 miliar per 30 September 2019 dari Rp884,85 miliar pada periode yang sama tahun 2018, atau turun sebesar 42,17 persen.

Sementara untuk pendapatan usaha naik menjadi Rp5,49 triliun dari Rp5,44 triliun. Untuk beban pokok pendapatan naik menjadi Rp4,51 triliun dari Rp3,88 triliun. Kenaikan ini membuat laba bruto turun menjadi Rp985,08 miliar dari laba bruto Rp1,56 triliun.

Sedangkan laba sebelum pajak menjadi Rp566,88 miliar turun dari laba sebelum pajak Rp1,09 triliun tahun sebelumnya.

Total aset perseroan mencapai Rp15,58 triliun dari Rp15,22 triliun per 31 Desember 2018.

PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) didirikan tanggal 07 Oktober 2014.

Pemegang saham yang memiliki 5% atau lebih saham Waskita Beton Precast Tbk, yaitu: Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (WSKT) (59,99%). Untuk saham publik sebesar 40%.

Kegiatan bisnis WSBP adalah bidang industri pabrikasi, industri konstruksi, jasa, pekerjaan terintegrasi (Engineering, Procurement and Contruction / EPC), perdagangan, agro industri, jasa penyewaan, transportasi, investasi, pengelolaan kawasan, jasa keagenan, pembangunan, layanan jasa peningkatan kemampuan di bidang konstruksi, teknologi informasi serta kepariwisataan.

Kegiatan usaha utama Waskita Beton Precast adalah produksi beton precast dan ready mix dengan mengoperasikan 8 pabrik precast, 20 pabrik ready mix/ batching plant dan 2 stone crusher.

Pada tanggal 08 September 2016, WSBP memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham WSBP (IPO) kepada masyarakat sebanyak 10.544.463.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp100 per saham dengan harga penawaran Rp490 per saham. Saham-saham tersebut dicatatkan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tanggal 20 September 2016.

Saat ini saham WSBP di Rp326 per saham dari pembukaan di Rp330 per saham. [nes]

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MUI: Manipulator Beda Tafsir

INILAHCOM, Jakarta - Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) menanggapi wacana penggantian istilah radikalisme menjadi manipulator agama. MUI mengaku tak sepakat karena manipulator agama punha beda tafsir dengan radikalisme.

"Saya melihat antara manipulator agama dan radikalisme itu dua hal berbeda. Manipulator itu orang yang tahu kebenaran kemudian dia memanipulasi, membohongi. Sementara radikalisme itu paham yang mendalam tentang sesuatu dan paham itu jadi ekstrem," kata Ketua Komisi Dakwah MUI KH Cholil Nafis, Jumat (1/11/2019).

Menurutnya, manipulator agama adalah orang yang paham agama namun menggunakan untuk kepentingan kekerasan atau teror. Namun, lanjutnya, teroris belum tentu manipulator agama.

"Kalau saya langsung saja menyebut terorisme. Karena kalau radikalisme ada yang positif, meski sekarang banyak diartikan negatif. Bahwa radikalisme itu bukannya radix, tapi memahami agama secara dangkal lalu dia salah dalam memahami agama sehingga menjadi terorisme," ujarnya.

"Kalau radikalisme dalam pikiran, dalam belajar, beda. Jadi memang debatable kalau istilah radikalisme. Tapi ketika bicara teroris, semua sepakat itu adalah musuh kita bersama," sambung dia.

Cholil menambahkan bahwa penggantian istilah dinilai tidaklah penting, karena istilah punya makna yang berbeda-beda.

"Ya (ganti istilah) belum diperlukan, yang perlu itu substansinya, bagaimana orang bisa memahami agama dengan benar. Agama yang membangun peradaban. Soal istilah bisa beda-beda," ungkapnya. [rok]

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Black Shark 2 Pro Punya Warna Baru Streamer Purple

INILAHCOM, Beijing - Setelah mendapat tambahan warna oranye sekitar dua pekan lalu, Black Shark kembali mengumumkan varian warna baru untuk ponsel gaming terbarunya, Black Shark 2 Pro.

Dijuluki Streamer Purple, kini Black Shark 2 Pro hadir dengan gradasi warna ungu menuju biru tua dan biru muda, dengan tidak meninggalkan lambang 'S' warna hijau di bagian tengah.

Model warna baru ini melengkapi spesifikasi dapur pacu yakni RAM 12GB dan memori internal 128GB dengan UFS 3.0.

Baca juga: Black Shark 2 dan 2 Pro Resmi Hadir di Indonesia

Smartphone yang dirilis pada Juli lalu itu dibanderol 2.999 yuan atau sekitar Rp6 juta dan akan mulai dijual di China mulai 1 November melalui situs resmi Black Shark,, dan

Black Shark 2 Pro ditenagai oleh SoC Snapdragon 855+ dan dibekali baterai berkapasitas 4000mAh dengan pengisian cepat 27W.

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Orang Bertobat Dapat Bonus Sangat Bernilai

SEMAKIN mendalami makna tobat, kita akan semakin mengenal ketinggian sifat Rahman dan Rahim Allah swt. Tidak hanya mendapat ampunan, seorang yang bertobat juga mendapat bonus-bonus yang amat bernilai dari-Nya.

Kali ini kita akan melihat sisi lain dari Kemurahan Allah kepada hamba-nya. Dalam Hadis Qudsi-Nya, Allah berfirman kepada Nabi Daud as, "Wahai Daud, sesungguhnya jika ada hambaku yang beriman melakukan dosa kemudian ia kembali dan bertobat dari dosa itu, lalu ia malu kepadaku ketika mengingatnya maka Aku akan Mengampuninya. Kemudian akan Ku buat malaikat yang mencatatnya menjadi lupa dan akan Ku ganti (dosa itu) dengan kebaikan. Aku tak peduli dengan itu semua karena Aku adalah Maha Pengasih dari yang Pengasih."

Kita semua tahu bahwa ada banyak saksi yang menyaksikan segala perbuatan kita. Mulai dari malaikat pencatat amal, anggota badan kita dan bumi tempat kita berpijak. Allah berfirman,

"Pada hari itu bumi menyampaikan beritanya, karena sesungguhnya Tuhan-mu telah memerintahkan (yang demikian itu) padanya." (QS.Al-Zalzalah:4-5)

Namun bagi orang yang sungguh-sungguh bertobat, Allah tutupi kesalahan mereka dari para saksi itu dan mereka akan menjadi lupa dengan dosa yang pernah dilakukan hamba ini.

Imam Jafar As-Shodiq, Guru dari Imam Madzhab Maliki dan Hanafi pernah meriwayatkan, "Jika seorang hamba bertaubat dengan taubat yang sesungguhnya maka Allah akan Mencintainya kemudian Allah akan Menutupi dosanya di dunia dan di akhirat."

Seorang murid beliau yang bernama Muawiyah bin Wahab bertanya, "Bagaimana Allah menutupinya? "Imam menjawab, "Allah akan membuat lupa kedua malaikat yang mencatatnya kemudian Dia Mewahyukan kepada tubuhnya -tutupilah dosa-dosanya- lalu Mewahyukan kepada bumi -tutupilah dosa-dosanya- . Dan ketika (hamba ini) menghadap kepada Allah swt, tidak ada satupun yang bersaksi atas dosa yang ia lakukan."

Mungkin kita akan bertanya, "Apakah mungkin Allah mencabut ketetapan yang telah Ia tetapkan bahwa para saksi akan mengabarkan semua perbuatan seorang hamba?"

Tentu hal ini sangat mungkin, karena Allah swt telah memberi contoh saat Dia Mencabut fungsi ciptaan yang telah Allah tetapkan. Sebagaimana api dengan sifatnya yang membakar, Allah Cabut fungsinya ketika akan membakar tubuh Nabi Ibrahim as.

Kami (Allah) Berfirman, "Wahai api! Jadilah kamu dingin, dan penyelamat bagi Ibrahim," (QS.Al-Anbiya:69)

Maha Suci Allah dengan segala kemurahannya. Dia Melihat tangan pendosa begitu bersih setelah hamba ini mencucinya dengan Tobatan Nasuha. Dengan rahmat Allah yang begitu luas ini, adakah yang masih ragu untuk bertobat? [khazanahalquran]

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Larangan Ekspor Ore Nikel, Luhut Dukung Bos BKPM

INILAHCOM, Jakarta - Menko Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mendukung Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia menghentikan ekspor nikel. Ada indikasi pelanggaran.

"Nickel ore yang sekarang diselundupkan sampai tiga kali lipat lebih banyak daripada seharusnya dan kadarnya lebih tinggi dari kadar 1,7," kata Luhut di Manado, Jumat (1/11/2019).

Menurut Luhut, pemerintah harus turun untuk menghindari hal-hal semacam ini. Itu sebabnya sekarang setiap penanganan atau rapat mengenai proyek-proyek seperti itu, pemerintah meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) untuk langsung terlibat.

"Pemerintah ingin KPK memainkan peran strategis. Seperti pada program pemerintah hilirisasi ini, kemudian ada manipulasi besar-besaran ratusan juta dolar, itu kan bisa triliunan rupiah," kata Luhut.

Program hilirisasi yang dilakukan menurut Menko perkembangannya cukup memuaskan, nickel ore sekarang sudah sampai pada carbon steel. "Mudah-mudahan tahun depan sudah masuk pada produksi carbon steel, artinya nilai tambah kedua, sesudah itu masuk pada katoda kemudian kita masuk pada lithium battery, kemudian nanti terus saja masuk pada recycling program, kita recycle baterai-baterai bekas lithium," ujarnya.

Pada masa datang, ketika bisa ekstrak sebanyak 98,5% bahannya bisa digunakan, Indonesia memiliki cadangan nikel paling besar sedunia yaitu 22%. Informasi saja Luhut hadir ke Manado dalam rangka membuka Forum Archipelagic Island States-Startup Business Summit (AIS-SBS) yang berlangsung 30 Oktober-1 November 2019. [tar]

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Akhirnya AC Milan Bisa Menang bersama Pioli

INILAHCOM, Milan - AC Milan meraih kemenangan perdana di bawah asuhan pelatih baru Stefano Pioli. Meski cuma bisa menang tipis dari SPAL, Pioli menyebut hasil tersebut menjadi modal bagus menghadapi laga berat akhir pekan ini.

Milan menjamu SPAL di San Siro, Jumat (1/11/2019) dini hari WIB, pada lanjutan pertandingan Liga Serie A Italia 2019-2020. Bermain di depan publik sendiri I Rossoneri mendominasi penguasaan bola 56 persen berbanding 44 persen.

Dari 17 shots yang dilepaskan Milan, lima diantaranya tepat ke gawang. Meskipun kalah penguasaan bola, SPAL nyatanya mampu memberikan perlawanan cukup berarti bagi tuan rumah. Ini terlihat dari 10 shots yang dilepaskan dua tepat ke arah gawang.

Di babak pertama, Milan yang berupaya bermain ofensif dibuat kesulitan oleh rapatnya barisan belakang tim tamu. SPAL yang mengandalkan serangan balik cepat, beberapa kali menghadirkan ancaman ke gawang I Rossoneri.

Gol semata wayang tim Merah-Hitam akhirnya lahir pada menit ke-63 lewat kaki Suso yang masuk sebagai pengganti. Berawal dari pelanggaran Francesco Vicari kepada Piatek di depan kotak penalti SPAL, Suso yang menjadi eksekutor tendangan bebas berhasil menaklukkan Berisha, mengubah skor menjadi 1-0 dan bertahan hingga laga usai.

Hasil ini menjadi kemenangan perdana Milan bersama Pioli, setelah sebelumnya ditahan Lecce 2-2 dan kalah 1-2 dari AS Roma. Tambahan tiga poin kini mengantar Milan naik ke peringkat 10 klasemen Liga Italia dengan 13 poin. Adapun SPAL turun ke posisi 19 dengan 7 poin, hanya di atas Sampdoria yang menjadi juru kunci.

Pioli lega setelah timnya berhasil mengamankan tiga poin di laga kandang. Mantan pelatih Inter itu mengakui Milan sempat menderita sebelum akhirnya memastikan kememangan. Hasil ini jadi modal bagus bagi Milan jelang laga bigmatch kontra Lazio di San Siro, Senin (4/11/2019) dini hari WIB.

"Saya meminta para pemain menunjukkan semangat yang sesungguhnya, kami melakukannya dan menciptakan banyak peluang," ujar Pioli seperti dikutuip dari Football-Italia.

"Memalukan jika kami bermain imbang sampai laga usai, tetapi dengan menderita (vs SPAL) bisa membuat kami jadi baik, juga bagi laga menghadapi Lazio," ia memungkasi.

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PBNU yang Kini Mesra dengan FPI

INILAHCOM, Jakarta - Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) mengakui memiliki kesamaan konsep dan ide dengan Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dalam penghormatan pada para habaib, termasuk kepada Imam Besar FPI Habib Rizieq Shihab.

"FPI dan PBNU menyembah Tuhan yang sama dan memiliki paham yang sama tentang persaudaraan antar manusia," kata Ketua Pengurus Harian Tanfidziyah PBNU KH Robikin Emhas, Jumat (1/11/2019).

Dia menambahkan, baik PBNU dan FPI juga memiliki pemahaman yang sama mengenai keadilan ekonomi. Keadilan ekonomi lanjutnya, merupakan fokus bersama yang dimiliki seluruh ormas Islam.

"Sesama manusia di seluruh penjuru dunia, persaudaraan tak boleh diputus hanya karena perbedaan pemikiran," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya Ketua Umum PBNU Said Aqil Siradj juga mengungkapkan bahwa sesama muslim harus saling menyanyangi dan berkasih sayang. Ia juga menyebut nama Habib Rizieq.

Selama ini diketahui, PBNU dan FPI kerap berbeda pendapat, namun pasca pemerintahan kedua Presiden Jokowi dan pelantikan kabinet, suasana pun mencair. Habib Rizieq sendiri saat ini masih berada di Makkah, Arab Saudi. [rok]

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Verratti Teken Kontra Hingga 2024 di PSG

INILAHCOM, Paris - Paris Saint-Germain mengkonfirmasi bahwa telah memperpanjang kontrak Marco Verratti hingga 30 Juni 2024 mendatang.

PSG memeberikan kontrak baru kepada pemain internasional Italia itu, meski kontrak sebelumnya masih tersisa 14 bulan lagi.

Verratti bergabung dengan PSG dari Percara pada 2012 lalu, setelah ditebus dengan harga 12 juta Euro.

Sejak itu gelandang berusia 26 tahun itu telah tampil di 290 pertandingan bersama PSG, dan mencetak sembilan gol serta 48 assists.

Ia juga ikut mempersembahkan enam gelar juara Ligue 1 Prancis, empat Piala Prancis, lima Piala Liga Prancis, dan tujuh Piala Super Prancis.

Dengan kesepakatan kontrak baru tersebut, sekaligus memutus harapan klub peminat Verratti, Manchester United dan Juventus, yang dilaporkan tertarik merekrutnya.

Sumber: Marca

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Danone Jalankan Produksi Sehat & Ramah Lingkungan

INILAHCOM, Klaten - Seratus tahun Danone, pelopor industri makanan, minuman (mamin) sehat dan nutrisi medis dunia, menggelar inisiatif Danone Open Doors di 120 negara.

Untuk di Indonesia, kegiatannya digelar dengan mengajak para pemangku kepentingan mengenal lebih dekat tentang proses produksi Danone dan inovasi lingkungan dan sosial perusahaan dengan mengunjungi 9 pabrik Danone termasuk pabrik Sarihusada yang terletak di Desa Kemudo, Klaten, Jawa Tengah.

Vera Galuh Sugijanto, Vice President General Secretary Danone Indonesia menyebutkan, "Danone memiliki visi One Planet One Health yang meyakini bahwa kesehatan manusia dan kesehatan bumi saling terkait, dan setiap kali kita makan dan minum, kita ikut menentukan dunia yang ingin kita tinggali."

Melalui Open Doors, para pemangku kepentingan dapat menyaksikan dedikasi orang-orang di balik layar yang memastikan produk-produk Danone memiliki standar tinggi dalam hal kualitas dan keamanan pangan. "Standar yang tinggi juga diterapkan dalam cara kami beroperasi. Setiap hari kami terus berinovasi agar dapat berkontribusi positif secara nyata dalam menciptakan kesehatan dan lingkungan yang lebih baik," ujar Vera.

Sarihusada adalah salah satu perusahaan bagian dari divisi bisnis Specialized Nutrition (SN) milik Danone di Indonesia yang portofolio bisnisnya terdiri dari nutrisi awal kehidupan (early life nutrition) dan nutrisi medis khusus (medical nutrition).

Selain menjadi salah satu fasilitas produksi Danone SN terbesar di dunia, pabrik Sarihusada juga merupakan pabrik percontohan yang menerapkan berbagai insiatif sosial dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan.

Delta Deritawan, Manufacturing Director Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia mengatakan, "Di pabrik ini kami memiliki misi 1000 Dreams, yang menunjukkan komitmen kami sebagai satu tim yang solid dan terpercaya dalam mengembangkan produk dengan kualitas tinggi serta menerapkan prinsip zero accident, zero defect dan zero waste."

Untuk memastikan jaminan kualitas produk, pabrik Sarihusada telah mendapatkan berbagai sertifikasi di bidang quality & food safety termasuk sertifikat halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia, ISO 9001 dan ISO 17025 dari International Organization for Standardization serta FFSC 22000 dari the Foundation Food Safety System Certification.

Selain menjamin kualitas dan keamanan pangan, Danone juga menekankan faktor keamanan (safety) dalam operasional produksi. Beberapa inisiatif yang dilakukan antara lain adalah penerapan budaya WISE (Work in Safety Environment) kepada karyawan dan seluruh pihak ketiga yang terlibat dalam bisnis perusahaan.

"Atas komitmen safety kami, selain mendapatkan apresiasi dan sertifikasi baik dari pemerintah maupun auditor eksternal dari dalam dan luar negeri, kami bangga bahwa pabrik kami telah beroperasi selama lebih dari 2500 hari atau hampir delapan tahun tanpa kecelakaan," jelas Delta.

Pabrik Sarihusada memberikan perhatian besar terhadap aspek lingkungan. Di atas lahan hijau dengan area seluas 150.000 meter-persegi, berbagai inisiatif dilakukan antara lain seperti pengelolaan limbah melalui metode reuse effluent, di mana hasilnya digunakan untuk menyirami area taman hijau pabrik.

Inisiatif ini telah dilakukan sejak 2009 dan sudah melalui kajian lingkungan. Selain itu inisiatif penggunaan Compressed Natural Gas sebagai bahan bakar boiler telah berhasil mereduksi CO2 sebesar 10,12 ton/tahun. Atas bebagai upaya tersebut, Pabrik Sarihusada Klaten telah mendapatkan penghargaan PROPER dengan kategori Hijau dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Keanekaragaman Hayati. [tar]

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Larangan Tinggalkan Istri Cukup Lama

ALLAH memerintahkan para suami untuk bergaul dengan istrinya sebaik mungkin. Sebagaimana Allah perintahkan para istri untuk mentaati suaminya sebaik mungkin. Allah berfirman, "Pergaulilah istri kalian dengan cara yang makruf." (QS. an-Nisa: 19)

Dan bagian dari pergaulan yang baik terhadap istri adalah memberi perhatian kepada istri. Karena itu, meninggalkan istri dalam waktu yang cukup lama, termasuk pelanggaran dalam rumah tangga, karena bertentangan dengan perintah untuk mempergauli istri dengan benar. Melihat latar belakangnya, suami yang meninggalkan istrinya ada 2 keadaan:

[1] Meninggalkan keluarga karena udzur

Udzur yang dimaksud bisa bentuknya mencari nafkah atau karena kebutuhan lainnya. Dalam kondisi suami punya udzur, istri tidak berhak menuntut suami untuk segera pulang atau hak melakukan hubungan badan. Ini merupakan pendapat mazhab Hambali. Al-Buhuti menjelaskan, "Ketika suami melakukan safar meninggalkan istrinya karena udzur atau ada hajat, maka hak gilir dan hubungan untuk istri menjadi gugur. Meskipun safarnya lama, karena udzur." (Kasyaf al-Qana, 5/192).

Namun jika istri keberatan, dia berhak untuk mengajukan cerai. Dan suami berhak untuk melepas istrinya, jika dia merasa tindakannya membahayakan istrinya. Allah berfirman, "Janganlah kamu pertahankan mereka untuk memberi kemudaratan, karena dengan demikian kamu menganiaya mereka." (QS. al-Baqarah: 231).

[2] Meninggalkan keluarga tanpa udzur

Suami yang safar meninggalkan keluarga tanpa udzur, istri boleh menuntut untuk segera kembali pulang. Karena ada hak istri yang harus dipenuhi suaminya. Para ulama menyimpulkan, batas maksimalnya adalah 6 bulan. Jika lebih dari 6 bulan, istri punya hak untuk gugat di pengadilan. Al-Buhuti mengatakan, "Jika suami safar tidak memiliki udzur yang menghalangi dia untuk pulang, sementara dia pergi selama lebih dari 6 bulan, lalu istri nuntut agar suami pulang, maka wajib bagi suami untuk pulang." (Kasyaf al-Qana, 5/193)

Ibnu Qudamah menyebutkan riwayat dari Imam Ahmad. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal pernah ditanya, "Berapa lama seorang suami boleh safar meninggalkan istrinya?" beliau menjawab, "Ada riwayat, maksimal 6 bulan." (al-Mughni, 8/143).

Batas 6 bulan itu berdasarkan ijtihad Amirul Mukminin, Umar bin Khatab radhiyallahu anhu. Ibnu Umar radhiyallahu anhuma bercerita, Ketika malam hari, Umar berkeliling kota. Tiba-tiba beliau mendengar ada seorang wanita kesepian bersyair,

Malam yang panjang, namun ujungnnya kelam
Yang menyedihkan, tak ada kekasih yang bisa kupermainkan
Demi Allah, andai bukan karena Allah yang mengawasiku
Niscaya dipan-dipan ini akan bergoyang ujung-ujungnya

Umar menyadari, wanita ini kesepian karena ditinggal lama suaminya. Dia bersabar dan tetap menjaga kehormatannya. Seketika itu, Umar langsung mendatangi Hafshah, putri beliau, "Berapa lama seorang wanita sanggup bersabar untuk tidak kumpul dengan suaminya?" Jawab Hafshah, "Enam atau empat bulan." Kemudian Umar berkomitmen, "Saya tidak akan menahan pasukan lebih dari batas ini." (HR. Baihaqi dalam al-Kubro no. 18307)

Lalu Umar memerintah suaminya untuk pulang. Dan beliau juga menetapkan, bahwa pasukan maksimal boleh keluar selama 6 bulan. Perjalanan berangkat 1 bulan, di lokasi perbatasan 4 bulan, dan perjalanan pulang 1 bulan. Allahu alam. [Ustaz Ammi Nur Baits]

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Menag Fachrul Razi Diminta Tunjukkan Pro Ulama

INILAHCOM, Surabaya - Pengasuh Ponpes As-Shiddiqi Putra Jember KH Muhammad Balya Firjoun Barlaman Ahmad Shidiq (Gus Firjoun) ikut buka suara terkait pro dan kontra dipilihnya Jenderal TNI (Purn) Fachrul Razi sebagai Menteri Agama (Menag) RI.

Putra Almarhum KH Achmad Shiddiq, mantan Rois Aam PBNU ini berpesan kepada Menag tidak perlu membalas statement dengan statement.

"Lebih baik Menag langsung tunjukkan kerja beliau, bahwa beliau pro dengan ulama dan program-program pemberdayaan Kementerian Agama bisa langsung dirasakan oleh pesantren dan ummat khususnya," tegas Gus Firjoun, Pemimpin Jamaah Dzikrul Ghofilin ini, Jumat (1/11/2019).

Gus Firjoun menjelaskan, tidak semua yang membuat orang kecewa, itu juga jelek untuk mereka. "Juga, tidak semua yang membuat kita puas, berarti membawa kebaikan buat kita. Semua telah digariskan oleh Allah SWT dan pasti ada hikmahnya. Pilpres sudah berlalu. Susunan kabinet sudah diresmikan. Ada puas, ada kecewa. Ada sedih ada bahagia. Sambil bertafakkur dan berdoa serta menahan diri, kita tunggu hikmah apa yang Allah persiapkan di balik semua ini. Wallaahu alam," pungkasnya. [beritajatim]

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Paganini: Kampanye Hitam Sawit Kamuflase Eropa

INILAHCOM, Nusa Dua - Prof Pietro Paganini dari John Cabot University of Roma mengingatkan, kampanye global anti sawit merupakan kamuflase dari strategi pasar Uni Eropa (UE) untuk memperkuat pasar minyak nabati.

"Perlu disadari kampanye antisawit merupakan sikap proteksionis yang diterapkan Uni Eropa, terutama untuk mendukung para petaninya," kata Paganini dalam konferensi Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2019 and 2020 Price Outlook di Nusa Dua, Bali, Kamis (31/10/2019).

Menurut Paganini, ada beragam kampanye yang dilakukan untuk mencederai reputasi sawit demi memperkuat pasar minyak nabati global, salah satu pelabelan palm oil free. Pada prinsipnya kampanye ini lebih lebih condong digunakan untuk mempengaruhi persepsi negatif publik terhadap sawit tentang kesehatan.

Paganini mengingatkan, masyarakat perlu menyadari bahwa kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari kampanye hitam produsen minyak nabati yang tersaingi oleh minyak sawit. "Sayangnya kampanye itu juga ikut ditunggangi oleh pihak lain seperti para pelaku industri makanan, NGO dan kelompok politik di negara produsen sawit."

Menurut Paganini, kampanye antisawit dianggap berhasil karena mampu menurunkan impor minyak sawit di beberapa negara besar UE seperti Perancis dan Jerman. Kenaikan impor minyak sawit hanya terjadi di Spanyol sedangkan permintaan Italia terhadap produk minyak sawit cenderung stagnan.

Secara umum tren pandangan negatif terhadap sawit di Uni Eropa meningkat. "Bahkan sering kali ditemukan publikasi yang menyatakan sawit merupakan musuh utama kesehatan," kata Paganini.

Menurut Paganini, keberhasilan kampanye antisawit karena banyak negara di Eropa sangat concern terhadap isu kesehatan dibandingkan isu deforestasi. "Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan permintaan sawit hingga -3,6% per tahun. Padahal hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa lemak jenuh yang berasal dari kelapa sawit tidak berbeda dibandingkan sumber nabati yang lain," ungkap Paganini.

Menurut Paganini, produk makanan dan minuman yang dibuat tanpa kandungan sawit sebenarnya tidak menjamin rasa yang lebih baik dan meningkatkan preferensi konsumen untuk membeli. "Glycerol, tidak hanya berasal dari sawit tetapi juga minyak nabati. Kajian menunjukkan bahwa menghindari risiko kesehatan dengan menggunakan glycerol yang berasal dari non sawit, justru berpotensi menimbulkan risiko kesehatan yang lain," ungkapnya.

Paganini mengatakan, tuntutan NGO asing untuk meninggalkan penggunaan minyak sawit, justru akan meningkatkan kerusakan lingkungan. Pasalnya, beberapa jenis komoditas minyak nabati yang lain justru akan mengkonsumsi luasan lahan yang jauh lebih luas dibandingkan sawit serta pemakain pupuk kimia secara berlebihan. "Kondisi ini berisiko pada penurunan luasan hutan global meningkat," kata Pagini. [ipe]

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Tujuh Bahaya Hubungan Suami Istri tak di Tempatnya

"ISTRI-ISTERI kamu bagaikan ladang buat kamu, oleh karena itu datangilah ladangmu itu sesukamu, dan sediakanlah untuk diri-diri kamu, dan takutlah kepada Allah, dan ketahuilah sesungguhnya kamu akan bertemu Allah, dan gembirakanlah (Muhammad) orang-orang mumin." (al-Baqarah: 223).

"Jangan Kamu setubuhi isterimu di duburnya." (Riwayat Ahmad, Tarmizi, Nasai dan Ibnu Majah)

"Bahwa dia itu termasuk liwath yang kecil." (Riwayat Ahmad dan Nasai)

Sudah jelas, bahwa dalam Islam diharamkan hubungan suami istri lewat belakang aliasmaafanus, tempat pembuangan kotoran. Tidak semata karena memang itu menyalahi fitrah manusia, tetapi juga perbuatan ini akan menimbulkan banyak bahaya, baik secara fisik ataupun psikologis.

Secara psikologis, yang pertama, menurut Ibnu Qayyim dalam "Tuntunan Lengkap Pernikahan" pada Kitab Zaadul Maad fi Hadyi Kharil Ibaad Juz 4, perbuatan ini akan menimbulkan pertentangan, kebencian yang sangat, terputusnya hubungan antara si pelaku dan si korban, dan ini merupakan suatu konsekuensi.

Kedua, hubungan lewat belakang juga akan menimbulkan kerusakan bagi si pelaku dan si korban, yaitu kerusakan yang hampir tidak dapat diharapkan lagi ada kebaikan selelahnya, kecuali yang dikehendaki oleh Allah dengan tobat nashuha.

Yang ketiga, hubungan cara ini akan menghilangkan kebaikan-kebaikan dari keduanya (suami dan istri), dan keduanya akan mengenakan lawannya (kejelekan). Sebagaimana juga akan sirna kasih sayang di antara keduanya, dan dengan perbuatan itu akan diganti untuk keduanya saling membenci dan melaknat.

Keempat, hubungan cara ini merupakan sebab terbesar hilangnya kenikmatan dan datangnya kesengsaraan. Perbuatan itu mengharuskan datangnya laknat dan kemurkaan dari Allah , dan Allah berpaling darinya serta enggan untuk memandangnya. Maka kebaikan manakah yang akan mereka harapkan setelah ini?

Dan kejahatan manakah yang akan menjadikan dirinya aman dan tentram? Dan bagaimanakah kelangsungan hidup seorang hamba, yang laknat Allah dan kemurkaan-Nya telah datang kepadanya, dan Allah berpaling darinya serta tidak akan melihatnya?

Kelima, perbuatan itu akan menghilangkan rasa malu secara total, padahal rasa malu merupakan kehidupan hati. Apabila rasa malu ini lenyap dari diri seseorang, maka ia akan menganggap yang baik itu busuk dan yang busuk itu baik. Pada saat itulah kerusakannya benar-benar nampak dengan jelas.

Keenam, perbuatan itu akan mengubah tabiat yang telah disusun oleh Allah , dan mengeluarkan manusia dari tabiatnya kepada tabiat yang tidak disusun oleh Allah sedikitpun bagi makhluknya, bahkan itu merupakan tabiat yang terbalik. Apabila tabiat sudah terbalik, maka akan terbaliklah hati dan jiwanya, amalan, serta petunjuk. Perbuatan dan tingkah laku yang sebenarnya busuk dan keji, akan dianggap baik. Keadaan dan amalan serta pembicaraannya akan rusak tanpa daya dan upayanya.

Ketujuh, perbuatan itu akan mewariskan kekerasan dan keberanian yang tidak akan diwariskan oleh perbuatan selainnya. Juga, perbuatan itu akan mewariskan kerendahan dan kehinaan yang tidak diwariskan oleh perbuatan selainnya. Juga, perbuatan itu akan mengenakan pakaian kepada hamba tersebut, berupa kemurkaan dan kutukan Allah serta pelecehan dan perendahan manusia terhadapnya, dan manusia menganggapnya kecil.

Dan ini kenyataan yang dapat dirasakan dengan panca indera. Maka selawat dan salam Allah terhadap orang yang kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat berada di dalam petunjuknya (yakni Nabi) serta mengikuti apa yang telah datang kepada beliau. Dan kebinasaan di dunia dan akhirat bagi orang yang menyelisihi petunjuknya. []

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Buhari arrives Mecca for Umrah - The Punch

President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday evening arrived Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at the end of the three-day Future Investment Initiative held in Riyadh.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports the President was received by His Royal Highness Prince Bader bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the Deputy-Governor of Mecca Region and other government officials at the King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah, at about 7.05p.m (local time).

While in Mecca, President Buhari, alongside some members of his entourage, will perform the Lesser Hajj and also observe the Friday prayers at the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

Before leaving Riyadh today, President Muhammadu Buhari had met behind closed doors with Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.

The President had also on Wednesday met with King Salman bin Abdulaziz where the two leaders expressed their determination for deeper partnership, especially in the areas of oil and gas for the development of both countries.

Buhari also met with U.S Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin in Riyadh on Wednesday where they had positive discussions on investments in Nigeria under the new United States International Development Finance Corporation, which provides 60 billion dollars for investments in developing nations.

NAN reports that all the meetings were held on the sidelines of the the Future Investment Initiative Summit, which ended on Thursday in Riyadh.

Buhari will on Saturday November 2, proceed to the United Kingdom on a private visit, and is expected to return to Nigeria on November 17.



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Live updates: White House lashes out at Democrats after passage of impeachment inquiry resolution - The Washington Post

Timothy Morrison, a deputy to John Bolton when he served as Trump’s national security adviser, shed light in a closed-door deposition on Trump’s efforts to press Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

5:30 p.m.: Trump invites Republican senators for lunch and makes his case against impeachment

In a private lunch with Senate Republicans on Thursday, Trump repeatedly praised his own decision to release a rough transcript of the July 25 call with the Ukrainian president that has become a central focus of the House’s impeachment inquiry, according to the senators who attended.

The White House quietly invited just over a half-dozen of the president’s staunchest allies in the Senate, where many members have refrained from commenting directly on the unfolding case, arguing that they will effectively serve as jurors in any impeachment trial.

But the issue of impeachment was still discussed, as Trump made his case repeatedly that the White House released a transcript of the call — the document is labeled a “memorandum of telephone conversation” — and that there was nothing wrong with its contents. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had previously urged the White House to release the information.

— Seung Min Kim and Rachael Bade

5:10 p.m.: Judge schedules Kupperman hearing for Dec. 10

U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon set a hearing in the case of former deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman for Dec. 10. Kupperman had asked the judge to decide whether he must comply with a House subpoena in the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

In court Thursday, Kupperman’s attorney, Charles Cooper, who also represents Bolton, did not rule out the possibility that Bolton could be added to the lawsuit if he is subpoenaed. House investigators have asked Bolton to testify before two committees next week, but Cooper said Bolton has not yet received a subpoena.

Throughout the hearing, the judge emphasized the importance of moving quickly to resolve an important matter of public interest. He chastised a Justice Department lawyer who asked for more time to file a brief because of a holiday conflict.

“When it’s a matter of this consequence to this country, you roll your sleeves up and get the job done,” Leon said.

— Ann E. Marimow

4:50 p.m.: Morrison testimony concludes

Morrison’s testimony wrapped up late Thursday afternoon, more than eight hours after he arrived at the Capitol.

4:40 p.m.: U.S. Capitol Police are called after Republican campaign arm sends moving boxes to vulnerable Democrats

The National Republican Congressional Committee hand-delivered moving boxes Thursday to the offices of several vulnerable House Democrats, prompting calls for the Capitol Police to investigate what some viewed as suspicious packages.

Eva Malecki, a Capitol Police spokeswoman, said the incident had been cleared by late Thursday afternoon.

On Thursday afternoon, several reporters posted online photos of large brown moving boxes that were left outside the offices of some House Democrats.

The label of one box, left for Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), read “Get Packing!” and listed the NRCC as the sender, according to the New York Times. A bright red bow was fastened on top.

Others who received the boxes include Democratic Reps. Abigail Spanberger (Va.), Lizzie Fletcher (Tex.), Kim Schrier (Wash.), Conor Lamb (Pa.), Ben McAdams (Utah) and Josh Gottheimer (N.J.), Politico reported.

Chris Pack, a spokesman for the NRCC, did not respond to questions about which Democrats were targeted or whether the organization had been contacted by the Capitol Police.

“We gave moving boxes to the Democrats who are going to be packing up their offices next November due to their obsession with impeachment,” Pack said.

Spanberger later sent a tweet in which she thanked the Capitol Police and criticized the NRCC over the incident.

“The @NRCC pulled a ridiculous stunt, leaving suspicious packages across Capitol Hill and diverting and wasting law enforcement resources,” she said.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, meanwhile, sought to turn the episode into a messaging win for Democrats — by offering to use the moving boxes for a Thanksgiving food drive.

“Whether the NRCC takes us up on our offer to put those boxes to good use or not, we’ll be holding a canned food drive within our staff to serve local Washingtonians in need,” DCCC spokesman Cole Leiter said in a statement. “Thanksgiving is around the corner, and no one should have to worry about being able to feed their family during the holidays, or ever.”

3:30 p.m.: Morrison confirms substance of Taylor’s statement

In prepared opening remarks he made to impeachment investigators, Morrison confirmed “the substance of” Ambassador William B. Taylor Jr.’s statement, noting that he asked the National Security Council’s legal adviser and deputy to review Trump’s July 25 call with Zelensky because he was afraid that it might leak, not because he thought anything potentially illegal had been discussed on it.

Morrison, who listened in on the call from the Situation Room, said he had “three concerns about a potential leak of the MemCon” transcript — which, he noted, “accurately and completely reflects the substance of the call.” His concerns were that it could be portrayed problematically in politically-polarized Washington, that it could affect bipartisan support for Ukraine in Congress, and that it could affect how Ukraine perceived its relationship with the United States.

Morrison started his current job directing Russia and Europe policy for the NSC on July 15. At the time, he reported directly to Kupperman, whose lawyers were in court Thursday to determine whether he must comply with a congressional subpoena to testify in the impeachment probe over White House objections.

Morrison also said he “never briefed the president or vice president on matters related to Ukrainian security,” but coordinated with Taylor and others.

Morrison’s intention to resign his post was reported on Wednesday, but in his testimony he noted that he has not yet submitted a formal resignation “because I do not want anyone to think there is a connection between my testimony today and my impending departure.” He said he would finalize his exit from the NSC after completing his testimony Thursday.

— Karoun Demirjian

3 p.m.: Is Trump’s base breaking over impeachment? The tale of a congressman’s defiance suggests not.

When it came to impeachment, the congressman wanted “to get all the facts on the table.” He thought the ambassadors testifying in closed session were “professional diplomats,” and that an apparent admission from the White House lectern of a quid pro quo with Ukraine should be taken at face value.

At another time, under a different president, Republican Rep. Francis Rooney’s words might have seemed innocuous, banal to the point of irrelevance.

But this is 2019, the president is Trump and in the country clubs and gated communities of Rooney’s ruby-red district along southwest Florida’s shimmering Gulf Coast, the comments provoked a collective howl.

Within hours, the longtime Republican insider had announced on Fox News his decision not to run again after two terms.

— Griff Witte

2 p.m.: Katie Hill says she voted for resolution on behalf of U.S. women

Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.), who is resigning amid an ethics investigation, referenced the impeachment inquiry during her final speech on the House floor Friday.

“Today as my final act, I voted to move forward with the impeachment of Donald Trump on behalf of the women of the United States of America,” Hill said. “We will not stand down. We will not be broken. We will not be silenced. We will rise, and we will make tomorrow better than today.”

The ethics investigation stems from allegations that Hill had been romantically involved with her legislative director. Hill has denied the charge but admitted to engaging in a consensual three-person relationship with her now-estranged husband and a member of her campaign staff.

The freshman lawmaker, who identifies as bisexual, became embroiled in controversy this month after a conservative news site and British tabloid published nude photos of her without her consent.

In her speech, Hill said she is leaving because of a “double standard” in how the sexual conduct of men and women is viewed.

1:45 p.m.: Explaining his ‘no’ vote, Democrat Peterson says impeachment process is ‘hopelessly partisan’

Rep. Collin C. Peterson (D-Minn.) issued a statement Thursday explaining his vote against the House resolution on impeachment procedures. He described the process as “hopelessly partisan” and said he is “skeptical that we will have a process that is open, transparent and fair.”

“Without support from Senate Republicans, going down this path is a mistake,” Peterson said. “Today’s vote is both unnecessary, and widely misrepresented in the media and by Republicans as a vote on impeachment. I will not make a decision on impeachment until all the facts have been presented.”

1:30 p.m.: Republican lawmakers lunch with Trump at White House

A group of Republican lawmakers were invited to have lunch with Trump at the White House after the vote Thursday on the resolution related to the impeachment inquiry.

1:20 p.m.: Court weighs Trump claim that ex-White House counsel McGahn, top aides are absolutely immune from congressional subpoena

A federal judge on Thursday will weigh the Trump administration’s claim that former White House counsel Donald McGahn and top presidential aides are absolutely immune from Congress’s subpoenas in a potential landmark lawsuit brought by the House Judiciary Committee to force McGahn to testify.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has fast-tracked the scheduled 2 p.m. hearing for McGahn, whom House Democrats described as one of their “most important” witnesses in an impeachment inquiry.

The case is one of several major political and legal battles between Congress and the Trump White House over the Constitution’s balance of powers, as Democrats formally probe Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukrainian government officials to investigate Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

— Spencer S. Hsu

1:10 p.m.: John Bolton’s former deputy asks judge to resolve conflicting demands for House impeachment testimony

A former top national security aide to Trump will ask a federal judge in Washington on Thursday to decide whether he must comply with a House subpoena in the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

Kupperman, who served as deputy to former national security adviser John Bolton, filed a lawsuit last week to try to resolve conflicting orders from Congress and the White House over his participation in the investigation into Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate the president’s political rivals.

Kupperman did not appear for a House deposition Monday and is instead awaiting direction from U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon after a court hearing set for Thursday afternoon.

— Ann E. Marimow

1 p.m.: ‘This is a solemn day in the history of our country,’ Schiff says

At a news conference after Thursday’s vote, top House Democrats cast the move as a historic one that is far bigger than Trump. They offered few details, however, on the timeline for the next steps in the impeachment inquiry or on which witnesses they plan to call to testify in public.

“This is a solemn day in the history of our country,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said. “We take no joy in having to move down this road … but neither do we shrink from it.”

He argued that despite House Republicans’ complaints that they have been shut out of the deposition process so far, “most of the members who have been permitted to attend have failed to attend.”

Acting Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney (N.Y.) quoted her late predecessor on the panel, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.): “We are fighting for the soul of democracy.”

Asked how he interprets Republicans’ votes against the resolution, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) replied that it was “evidence that they don’t want to see a proper investigation, period.”

Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (N.Y.) argued that the Trump administration’s abuse of power has resulted in U.S. foreign policy being subverted and U.S. diplomats being smeared and sidelined.

“Foreign aid is just not the president’s personal piñata,” Engel said, arguing that Trump took American money — not his own personal assets — and withheld it from Ukraine in order to help his own reelection. “If that isn’t crazy, then I don’t know what is.”

12:50 p.m.: McCarthy says GOP willing to defend Trump on substance of allegations

Asked if Republicans would go on the record saying Trump did nothing improper, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) offered a “very clear yes” and was echoed by about two dozens GOP lawmakers standing behind him at a news conference.

“There is nothing in that phone call that is wrong or impeachable.” McCarthy said, referring to Trump’s July call in which he pressed Zelensky to investigate the Bidens at a time when U.S. military aid was being withheld from Ukraine.

“Every single day our government works with other governments to solve cases,” McCarthy added. “Ukraine did nothing for the money to be released.”

12:30 p.m.: Rep. Liz Cheney says Pelosi has ‘neutered’ the Intelligence Committee

Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the House Republican conference chairwoman, chastised House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday for giving the House Intelligence Committee the lead in the impeachment inquiry.

At a Republican news conference, where a parade of members attacked the Democrats and defended Trump, Cheney argued that impeachment work would take away from the Intelligence Committee’s focus on national security.

“She has completely neutered the Intelligence Committee,” Cheney said of Pelosi and the committee led by Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.).

“History will hold them accountable. History will judge them,” Cheney said.

At the same news conference, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) accused Democrats of running a “Soviet-style impeachment process” and argued voters should be able to determine Trump’s fate.

“The country will be deciding next year who our president should be,” he said.

12 p.m.: Trump campaign warns of electoral consequences for Democrats

In a statement issued after Thursday’s vote, Trump’s presidential campaign warned that Democrats will face consequences at the ballot box over their efforts to impeach the president.

“Voters will punish Democrats who support this farce and President Trump will be easily re-elected,” Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, said in the statement.

11:45 a.m.: Democrats’ impeachment ‘obsession’ hurts the American people, White House claims

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a scathing statement after Thursday’s vote on the impeachment inquiry procedures, arguing that Democrats’ “unhinged obsession” with impeachment does not hurt Trump but rather “hurts the American people” by taking lawmakers’ attention away from other issues.

Democrats “are choosing every day to waste time on a sham impeachment — a blatantly partisan attempt to destroy the president,” Grisham said.

“With today’s vote, Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats have done nothing more than enshrine unacceptable violations of due process into House rules. ... The Democrats want to render a verdict without giving the administration a chance to mount a defense. That is unfair, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American,” she added.

Democrats have likened the early stages of the impeachment inquiry to grand jury proceedings, which are closed to the public. They say transcripts will be made available later and some witnesses will be recalled to provide public testimony.

11:35 a.m.: Trump offers an instant assessment of House vote

Moments after the resolution cleared the House, Trump took to Twitter, writing, “The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!”

11:30 a.m.: Resolution passes on near party-line vote

The resolution guiding the impeachment inquiry has passed, 232 to 196.

Two Democrats — Reps. Jeff Van Drew (N.J.) and Collin C. Peterson (Minn.) — voted against the measure, which defines the parameters of the next phase of the impeachment inquiry.

The vote was nearly identical to the procedural vote beforehand. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) did not vote on the procedural measure.

11:20 a.m.: Vote underway on resolution guiding impeachment inquiry

A procedural measure allowing a vote on the resolution guiding the impeachment inquiry has passed, 231 to 196, largely along party lines. Two Democrats broke with their party, while Republicans stuck together.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is now presiding over a five-minute vote on the resolution itself.

11 a.m.: Trump says impeachment inquiry is hurting stock market

As the House was taking a procedural vote, Trump weighed in on Twitter, asserting that the impeachment inquiry was negatively affecting the stock market.

“The Impeachment Hoax is hurting our Stock Market,” he tweeted. “The Do Nothing Democrats don’t care!”

10:50 a.m.: McCarthy asks what has changed since Pelosi said impeachment should be bipartisan

As debate over the resolution neared a close, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) sought to turn the previous words of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) against her.

McCarthy pointed to an interview in March in which Pelosi said she would only support impeachment if it is “something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan.”

“What has changed since those words have been spoken?” McCarthy asked, as the House prepared to take a vote expected to largely break down along party lines.

McCarthy called the impeachment inquiry “an attempt to undo the last election” and “an attempt to influence the next one as well.”

10:40 a.m.: Pelosi: ‘The facts are what they are’

At her weekly news conference, Pelosi was asked whether she believes Thursday’s vote will do anything to diminish the belief of the White House that the Democratic-led process is illegitimate and unfair.

“No. The facts are what they are,” Pelosi said. “They can try to misrepresent them, but the fact is, this is a process that has expanded opportunity for them” to show any evidence that they believe proves the innocent of the president.

She also maintained that the rules of the current process “are fairer than anything that has gone before.”

10:30 a.m.: Only a few members expected to break ranks

As the vote on the resolution approached, leaders in both parties were anticipating an overwhelmingly partisan vote, with only a few members on both sides expected to break ranks.

On the Democratic side, only Rep. Jeff Van Drew (N.J.) had announced his opposition ahead of the vote. But Democratic vote counters also said it was possible that Reps. Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) and Collin C. Peterson (Minn.) could defect.

Other Democratic moderates from Trump districts, including Anthony Brindisi (N.Y.), Ben McAdams (Utah) and Joe Cunningham (S.C.), said they would stick with leadership and support the measure.

On the Republican side, the list of potential “yes” votes was even shorter with Republican whips concerned about only Reps. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Francis Rooney (Fla.).

Asked if he expected any defections, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, “No.”

— Mike DeBonis

10:15 a.m.: Pelosi says Republicans are afraid of the truth

Addressing members of the House while standing next to a large American flag, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that Thursday’s vote will ensure that members of the public can see the facts for themselves.

“I don’t know why the Republicans are afraid of the truth,” she said, adding that nothing less than the country’s democracy is at stake.

No House member would vote to impeach the president, Pelosi said, “unless his actions are jeopardizing our honoring our oath of office.”

She cited “the genius of the Constitution — a separation of powers, three coequal branches of government to be a check and balance on each other — and it is to that that we take an oath of office.”

“This is not cause for any glee or comfort,” she added.

Earlier in the debate, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) pledged the process going forward would be “one in which the American people will have the opportunity to hear from witnesses firsthand.”

“This is a very solemn and momentous chapter in our nation’s history, and we hope all members bring the appropriate sobriety to the task,” Schiff said.

9:40 a.m.: House investigators preparing for four witnesses on Monday

House investigators are preparing to hear from four more witnesses on Monday, including White House officials John Eisenberg and Robert Blair, according to an official working on the impeachment inquiry who requested anonymity to discuss closed-door proceedings.

Eisenberg is the White House’s legal adviser on national security issues. According to testimony this week by Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine adviser at the White House, Eisenberg proposed moving a transcript of Trump’s call with Zelensky to a highly classified server and restricting access to it.

Blair is a top national security adviser to acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.

Others called to testify on Monday include Michael Ellis, a legal adviser to the National Security Council, and Brian McCormack, an official with the Office of Management and Budget.

It was not immediately clear how likely it is the four individuals will appear.

9:25 a.m.: Rules chairman says ‘serious evidence’ Trump violated Constitution

Rules Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) said he “never wanted the country to reach this point” as debate got underway on the resolution that defines the parameters of the next phase of the impeachment inquiry.

“We are not here in some partisan exercise,” McGovern said on the House floor. “There is serious evidence that President Trump may have violated the Constitution.”

The resolution lays out the rules for what McGovern described as “the public-facing phase of this process,” which will include nationally televised public hearings.

Tom Cole (R-Okla.), the ranking Republican member on the Rules Committee, unsuccessfully sought to expand debate on the resolution from one hour to four hours.

He then called the impeachment inquiry “nothing more than a partisan fishing expedition.”

“It’s not a fair process, it’s not an open process, it’s not a transparent process,” Cole said.

“It’s not fair to he president of the United States, it’s not fair to the House of Representatives, and it’s not fair to the American people.”

McGovern countered that Trump is being offered “better protections than former presidents Richard M. Nixon and Bill Clinton did during their impeachment proceedings.

McGovern said it would be impossible to satisfy Republicans who are trying to “circle the wagons” around Trump.

9:20 a.m.: Morrison expected to corroborate testimony of senior U.S. diplomat

Morrison, the top Russia and Europe adviser on President Trump’s National Security Council, is expected to corroborate the testimony of a senior U.S. diplomat who last week offered to House impeachment investigators the most detailed account to date of how Trump tried to use his office to pressure Ukraine into launching an investigation of Biden, said a person familiar with the matter.

Morrison is expected to tell impeachment investigators on Thursday that the account offered by Taylor is accurate, particularly that Morrison alerted him to the president’s and his deputies’ push to withhold security aid and a meeting with Ukraine’s president until that nation announced an investigation of the Bidens and 2016 election interference, the person said on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive discussions

Morrison will also say that he did not necessarily view the president’s demands as improper or illegal, but rather problematic for U.S. policy in supporting an ally in the region, the person said.

— Carol D. Leonnig, John Hudson and Reis Thebault

9:15 a.m.: House opens debate on resolution on impeachment inquiry rules

The House has opened debate on the resolution that defines the parameters of the next phase of the impeachment inquiry.

8:30 a.m.: Trump shares assessments of conservative talk show host, former acting attorney general

Trump returned to Twitter on Thursday morning to share a string of friendly assessments from a conservative talk show host, his former acting attorney general and others about the impeachment inquiry process.

Trump quoted Fox News host Laura Ingraham at length urging Republicans “to stand together and defend the leader of their party against these smears” and asserting that “this farce should never be allowed to roll into a winter showtrial.”

Trump also shared a USA Today op-ed co-written by his former acting attorney general Matthew G. Whitaker that argued voters should determine Trump’s fate.

“Americans, not Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, will decide for themselves at the ballot box,” Whitaker and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) wrote, referring to the House speaker and Intelligence Committee chairman, both California Democrats.

“That’s how our system works,” Whitaker and Landry wrote. “It is not a system where you get a participation trophy or where everyone gets their way. In politics, like football, sore losers don’t get another bite at the apple.”

8:15 a.m.: Kellyanne Conway urges focus on transcript of Trump-Zelensky call

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway argued Thursday that the focus should be on the content of Trump’s call with Zelensky and not what witnesses appearing before House investigators have to say about it.

“The whole world has access to the call,” Conway said during an appearance on Fox News, referring to the rough transcript released by the White House last month that shows Trump pressing Zelensky to investigate the Bidens at a time when U.S. military aid to Ukraine had been withheld.

Trump and his aides have repeatedly argued that there is no “quid pro quo” because Trump does not condition the resumption of military aid on investigating the Bidens during the call.

“Here’s not what’s in the call: Any mention of 2020, any mention of Biden as some political opponent anybody should fear, any mention of aid being held up, any mention of the eight quid pro quos that were promised to Pelosi by the cable news cranks and the Twitter trolls,” Conway said, referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

“Go read the transcript everyone,” Conway added.

According to the rough transcript, Trump referred to the work that Biden’s son had done on a board of a Ukrainian gas company that had been under investigation and made some unsubstantiated claims about Biden.

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great,” Trump told Zelensky, according to the transcript. “Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution, so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.”

7:50 a.m.: McCarthy argues impeachment is getting in the way of other priorities

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) sought Thursday to reinforce one of the Republican talking points on impeachment: that Democrats are unable to focus on other things.

“The worst part about their sham impeachment is all the things that are NOT getting done,” McCarthy said in a tweet, in which he asserted that the inquiry was responsible for a delay in passing a defense appropriations bill and ratifying a trade deal negotiated by Trump.

“They are making America weaker just because they dislike this president,” McCarthy said in a tweet that included a clip of him making the same points during a Fox News interview on Wednesday.

7:40 a.m.: Morrison arrives at Capitol for deposition

Morrison, the former Bolton deputy, has arrived at the Capitol ahead of his scheduled closed-door deposition.

7:30 a.m.: Pivotal House vote planned Thursday morning

A deeply divided House is set to take a pivotal vote Thursday morning on a resolution defining the parameters of the next phase of the impeachment inquiry, which will feature nationally televised hearings with public testimony from key witnesses.

In advance of the vote, Democrats and Republicans alike have been working feverishly to ensure that there are few if any defections on their side.

The resolution, which is backed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), hands the lead role to the House Intelligence Committee and its chairman, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), who would have broad latitude to organize extended questioning of potential public witnesses.

It also sets out for the first time the ability of House Republicans to make their own requests for testimony and documents, though those requests will be subject to a vote of the Democratic-majority committee — a practice that matches the minority powers in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

House Republican leaders have blasted the Democratic tactics, arguing that the impeachment process was fatally flawed from the beginning and cannot be redeemed with the adoption of new procedures.

7 a.m.: Former Bolton deputy Timothy Morrison expected to testify

Morrison, a former Bolton deputy who is scheduled to appear Thursday morning for a closed-door deposition, could provide crucial corroboration of an alleged quid pro quo, in which other witnesses have suggested Trump held back promised military aid to Ukraine until its leaders committed to launch investigations that could help Trump politically.

Thursday’s testimony from Morrison may back up some of the most incriminating parts of another official’s detailed account of how shadow policy on Ukraine driven by Trump personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani began to undermine the objectives being pursued through regular national security channels.

William B. Taylor Jr., acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, previously testified that it was Morrison who told him in early September that nearly $400 million in congressionally approved military aid was being withheld until Zelensky publicly promised to conduct the investigations Trump wanted.

According to Taylor’s testimony, Morrison told him that Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the European Union, had communicated “that the security assistance money would not come until President Zelensky committed to pursue the Burisma investigation” — referring to a Ukrainian energy company that previously employed Biden’s son Hunter on its board.

6:30 a.m.: Trump highlights Graham’s assessment of solid Republican support in Senate

Trump highlighted a tweet early Thursday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey O. Graham in which the South Carolina Republican asserted that not a single member of his party in the Senate is prepared to vote to remove Trump from office.

“This is an unfair process being driven by sore losers,” Graham wrote. “There is not one vote [from Republicans] in the United States Senate to impeach President Trump based on this phone call because he did nothing wrong.”

“The Do Nothing Democrats have gone Crazy. Very bad for USA!” Trump added in his own words.

Trump’s retweet of Graham came shortly after he congratulated the Washington Nationals on winning the World Series in another post-midnight post on Twitter.

6:10 a.m.: A liberal fantasy no longer? Tom Steyer’s Need to Impeach campaign comes full circle with House vote

When Tom Steyer launched an eight-figure television ad campaign to impeach Trump in 2017, Democratic leaders urged the California businessman and megadonor to tone it down and spend his money elsewhere.

Now, almost exactly two years later, what was once derided as Steyer’s liberal fantasy is coming true: House Democrats will cast their first vote Thursday on an impeachment inquiry into Trump.

And to Steyer, now a 2020 presidential candidate struggling to register in the polls as a relative latecomer to a crowded field, the vote is an affirmation of his political instincts — and his long-shot presidential bid based on the idea that the current White House occupant and his administration are corrupt.

— Jacqueline Alemany

6:05 a.m.: Key Senate Democrats probe White House’s handling of Ukraine trade benefits

Two top Senate Democrats are demanding details of the Trump administration’s delay in restoring Ukraine’s trade privileges, which occurred last summer as Trump was also withholding military and security aid from the embattled U.S. ally.

The twin delays came as the White House sought to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden’s son.

“It would raise grave concerns both domestically and internationally if U.S. trade policy were used as a bargaining chip to achieve partisan political ends,” Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the ranking Democrats on the Senate Finance and Foreign Relations Committees, wrote in an Oct. 30 letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer.

— David J. Lynch

6 a.m.: Trump touts ‘change in Washington,’ rips Democrats over impeachment in World Series ad

A 30-second campaign ad that aired during Game 7 of the World Series on Wednesday night flaunted Trump’s purported political victories and attacked Democrats over the impeachment inquiry. The first half of the ad flashed through the president’s record on jobs, immigration and combating terrorism, while the last 15 seconds lambasted the Democrats’ focus on allegations of quid pro quo and foreign interference.

“He’s no Mr. Nice Guy, but sometimes it takes a Donald Trump to change Washington,” the ad declared to viewers during the Washington Nationals’ title-clinching win over the Houston Astros.

Fans gathered for the viewing party at Nationals Park booed as the pro-Trump commercial played on the stadium’s Jumbotron. Among political operatives and observers, many noted the video’s unprecedented timing and reach, as it was watched by millions of Americans on TV and on Twitter.

— Katie Shepherd

5 a.m.: White House lawyer moved transcript of Trump call to classified server after Ukraine adviser raised alarms

Moments after Trump ended his phone call with Ukraine’s president on July 25, an unsettled national security aide rushed to the office of White House lawyer John Eisenberg.

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine adviser at the White House, had been listening to the call and was disturbed by the pressure Trump had applied to Zelensky to investigate his political rivals, according to people familiar with Vindman’s testimony to lawmakers this week.

Vindman told Eisenberg, the White House’s legal adviser on national security issues, that what the president did was wrong, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.

Scribbling notes on a yellow legal pad, Eisenberg proposed a step that other officials have said is at odds with long-standing White House protocol: moving a transcript of the call to a highly classified server and restricting access to it, according to two people familiar with Vindman’s account.

— Carol D. Leonnig, Tom Hamburger and Greg Miller

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Boko Haram: International Organizations Welcome Nigeria Lifting Ban On Mercy Corps, Action Against Hunger -

The Nigerian INGO Forum, a platform of 50 international non-government
organizations, has welcomed with the announcement that Action Against
Hunger (AAH) and Mercy Corps suspension of operations that have been
ongoing for over a month has now been temporarily lifted by federal
the government on Wednesday.

A statement by INGO forum quoted acting Director of Nigeria INGO
Forum, Jubril Shittu, saying the NGOs can start rendering humanitarian
assistance to vulnerable people in Borno.

He noted that NIF member organizations work according to international
regulations, national laws and local regulations, are duly registered
in Nigeria through the Ministry of Budget and National Planning, and
copies of INGO registration are shared with and acknowledged by the
mandated bodies of the respective State governments.

"The INGO community recognizes the role of the Nigerian government in
leading the humanitarian effort to support its most vulnerable
citizens and will support all efforts to do so. We reaffirm that we
are fully committed to working with Nigerian authorities and welcome
an open dialogue to clarify any concerns they may have about NGOs.

"Mobilising more local action to better serve the communities is
imperative, and INGOs are increasingly investing resources to support
their local and national counterparts.

"Through a press release from the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs,
Disaster Management and Social Development, INGOs are pleased with the
announcement that Action Against Hunger (AAH) and Mercy Corps
suspension of operations that has been ongoing for over a month has
now been temporarily lifted. This will ensure that life-saving
activities can soon resume.

"All member organizations provide necessary reports and remain
accountable to the established systems and processes. INGOs also
implement mitigation measures, including eligibility and compliance
checks, internal controls for tenders, segregation of duties, asset
verification, authority approval procedures, periodic internal and
external audits, and engage community feedback mechanisms.

"INGOs also engage in the existing civilian-military coordination
mechanisms and notification procedures for cash, staff and cargo
movements with the relevant bodies.

"INGOs remain committed to upholding the humanitarian principles of
humanity, neutrality, impartiality, independence, international
humanitarian law as well as Nigerian legislation so that life-saving
assistance will continue to reach the most vulnerable populations in a
timely, efficient and effective way," he said.

During his two-day visit to Nigeria, International NGOs met with the
United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and
Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, to discuss ways to
continue an effective and efficient response in challenging

This year alone, INGOs along with other stakeholders including the
government, UN, national and local civil society have provided
critical and life-saving assistance to almost 3.8 million civilians
most affected by the 10-year conflict.

More than 2.1 million people have been reached with food assistance,
and some 187,360 severely malnourished children were treated in
facilities supported by government and humanitarian organizations. The
humanitarian community has responded to rapid and multiple
displacements, ensuring that the lives and dignity of the vulnerable
population can continue to be provided for.

While development efforts in the north-east are absolutely necessary,
and to which we have been committed to in Adamawa, Yobe and parts of
Borno states, the context in other parts of Borno state necessitates
populations to receive lifesaving assistance. Over 140,000people have
been forced to flee in Borno so far this year, most of whom required
rapid humanitarian assistance.

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